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  • 남선교회MOG
11.25 MOG Meeting Minutes 회의록 서도현 2018-12-03
  • 추천 0
  • 댓글 1
  • 조회 437


Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Tony Ryu, Donald Driver, Daniel Yoon, CJ Guy, Daniel Seo, Gideon Choi, Pastor Kim [7]

1) Election results for 2019: President - Tony Ryu, Secretary - Daniel Seo. All agreed to pass.

2) Leadership will update the bylaw document by adding new policy such as the membership being open to college students. 

3) Yard work on 12/15.

4) MOG will prepare lunch on 3/24, 5/12 (Mother's Day), 10/13, 12/15 and have proposed to do two more Sundays.

5) MOG is planning to have another ping pong match to recruit more members in January 2019.

6) November meeting - will have an election for the president and secretary. This will be the last MOG meeting of the year of 2018. 


댓글 1

  • 유동희 2018.12.5 08:59

    Thanks for posting the minutes. There are two 5). Could you please write "to recruit more MOG members in January instead of last 5) and make it 6)?

번호 제목 작성자 등록일 추천 조회
이전글 1.27 MOG Meeting Minutes 회의록 [1] 서도현 2019.02.01 0 653
다음글 PingPong & Bowling [1] 서도현 2018.11.25 0 648