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10.7 MOG Meeting Minutes 회의록 서도현 2018-10-10
  • 추천 0
  • 댓글 1
  • 조회 348


Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Tony Ryu, Donald Driver, Daniel Yoon, CJ Guy, Daniel Seo, Danny Choi, Pastor Kim, John Kim [8]

Recapping the previous meeting minutes:

1) Remind the members to pay the membership fee. 

2) Hanging out in November - Bowling at Wade Hampton Lanes, then dinner together on 11/11.

3) Pastor: MOG to take in charge of the quarterly Food Bank and take a responsibility. 
     - 6 out of 6 people voted to agree. Don Driver will be in charge starting in January 2019. 


1) Maintenance
- Yoonjung Kim asked MOG to paint both decks.
- Due to skipping cleaning inside the church, previous maintenance day, Dr. Tony Ryu will announce the next date.

2) Table Tennis Doubles tournament
- Due to delay of the round robin, 3 out of 6 voted to agree on letting Danny Choi play instead of Eric Soh to finalize the round robin.
- Team Ryu & Driver has been eliminated from the round robin.
- Team Soh & Guy and Team Kim's will play against each other to decide 3rd and 4th places for the tournament.

3) Hiking at Pisgah National Forest
- On 10/27, we will leave around 8AM, hike, and eat lunch.
- Carpool in Pastor's van unless someone wants to drive separately.

4) Sports activities with other churches 


댓글 1

  • 유동희 2018.10.12 08:23

    Thanks Daniel for posting the meeting minutes in time. I have some comments: 1. I suggest that we work on Oct. 20 for painting the decks and cleaning yards. This needs all the members. Please post it in Kakao and ask them to come around 10 am. I think this would take 2- 3 hours. 2. For table tennis league games, I have a big complaint. I never heard that someone in another league team will play for a team on behalf of a player. That was why we were eliminated:=>. However, I obey the decision because it was decided by the vote... 3. for the Pisgah hiking, 8 am sounds too early especially for those who will come with the family. We talked about 8 am because you wanted to come back early on Oct. 20. Please ask who is coming and who is with family and let's discuss about this in Kakao.

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