8.26 MOG Meeting Minutes 회의록 | 서도현 | 2018-08-27 | |||
Meeting Minutes Attendees: Tony Ryu, Donald Driver, Eric Soh, CJ Guy, Daniel Seo, Gideon Choi, Pastor Kim, John Kim [8] Recapping the previous meeting minutes: 1) For the maintenance, we planned to clean the church, trim trees and bushes, and do yard works in the morning on Saturday, 9/22. 2) Due to Pisgah National Forest trail closing by the end of October, we planned to go for October 20th or 27th. Don Driver will contact the restaurant we'll do lunch and let the group know which day would work the best for us. The plan is to have lunch at 11, hike afterwards, and head back home. 3) Ping-pong doubles tournament schedule will be created after asking the college students if they would join MOG. Tony Ryu has donated 6 gift cards for the tournament. 1ST place will receive 4 gift cards, and 2ND place will get 2. Suggestions: 1) Remind the members to pay the membership fee. 2) Hanging out in November - Eat out at Great Wall restaurant / Bowling 3) Pastor: MOG to take in charge of the quarterly Food Bank and take a responsibility. - We will vote on it during the next meeting with more detail information and take volunteers if passed. |
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유동희 2018.8.27 11:08
Thanks, Daniel, for posting the minutes so quick. Appreciate your efforts & time!